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FFI のCBOGアワードを日本人インストラクターが受賞!


私も所属し、キャスティングインストラクターして活動しているアメリカを拠点とする世界的なフライフィッシング組織である、FFI(Fly Fishers International)はCBOGアワードとして、毎年キャスティングに貢献した個人に6つの賞を授与しています。

Casting Board of Governors Awards

Were you aware that the Casting Board of Governors (CBOG) of Fly Fishers International (FFI) has six different casting specific awards to present to worthy individuals each year? It’s only recently that we had the opportunity to specifically recognize individuals who have contributed to the success of our Certified Casting Instructors Program (CICP). That’s not to say that our members haven’t been recognized with other awards, but now we have some specific awards to be presented by the CBOG.

Nominations generally do not come from the CBOG.  The CBOG is very diverse and members come from all parts of the globe, but we don’t know everybody. The CBOG relies on FFI members to nominate worthy candidates using the criteria listed below.

To ensure optimal recognition of appropriate individuals, the nominating document must stand alone.  The sponsor, the person who submits the nomination, must document in the nomination multiple specific examples of how that individual or individuals fulfilled the criteria.  Individuals will be given awards based upon the facts in the nomination and not by just general familiarity of that individual with the CBOG or Awards Committee.  A nomination is usually more effective if multiple letters of support are obtained that document the breadth of the nominees contributions to the program.

The FFI is a volunteer organization and the success of the CICP is primarily due to the support and dedication of our members who believe in what we do. Sometimes all we can do is thank them for a job well done. Now we can give worthy individuals casting specific awards in appreciation for outstanding service.

続きを読む FFI のCBOGアワードを日本人インストラクターが受賞!

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